Eurasian Journal of Management  and  Trade

EJMT ISSN(O): 2584-2587


Eurasian Journal of Management  and  Trade    [ ISSN(O): 2584-2587 ]

A Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, International Scientific Research Journal

Impact Factor : 5.53

Submissions are open for the current month issue  !EJMT
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EJTM publishes original research papers, articles, reviews, mini-reviews, case studies, synopsis, research project and short research communications of all subjects / topics covered by the following fields :

Journal FrequencyMonthly      ( 12 issue per year)
Submission of Research Paper/Articleopen on all days.
Submit as per Instructions & Guidelines to  –    OR   Online Submission
Receipt of Research workWithin 48 hrs of the submission.
Peer-Review ProcessRegular mode : 7 to 20 days  
Regular Publication DateLast day of the month. ( i.e – 30th,  31st, …)
Publication with Digital Object Identification Free  DOIs  (Journal’s pattern/system of digital ID)
Submit only original research work. 
Follow Instructions and Guidelines of Submission 
Journal with Standard & Authentic Publication. 


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