Eurasian Research Organization Journals (ERO Journals) adopts the Instructions for Scientific Research and Publication Ethics guidelines issued by the Council of Higher Education. We follows the codes of conduct and international standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which are available at
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1) Eurasian Journal of Research and Innovation (EJRI)
2) Eurasian Journal of Management and Trade (EJMT)
3) Eurasian Journal of Literature and Languages (EJLL)
Ethical Policy :
Eurasian Research Organization Journals – and its editorial board thrive to achieve the publication of articles by researchers and scholars. All articles submitted to Eurasian Research Journals are screened properly for any plagiarized content. We follows the codes of conduct and international standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which are available at
Peer Review Policy:
Manuscripts found suitable due to the preliminary review will be sent to the reviewers for scientific evaluation in a blind review. Based on the reviewers’ reports, the editors, Editorial Board and/or associate editors will decide whether to publish the manuscripts. If deemed necessary, papers will be returned to authors to revise or suggest corrections according to the reviewers’ criticisms and suggestions. The review process cannot start if any of the requirements mentioned in this journal are not met or missing, such as detailed personal information about the authors (corresponding author, affiliation, email, etc.) or typos in the submission form, etc.
During the review process, authors can only communicate with the Managing Editor via email. A strict double-blind procedure will be followed in reviewing manuscripts in the journal.
The author(s) cannot make changes to accepted and completed manuscripts.
The author(s) is/are responsible for the content of the published manuscript (the accuracy of references and quotations, arguments and copyrighted tables, images and other figures).
Duties and responsibilities of Editors :
In addition to many general duties, such as constantly improving the quality and integrity of the journal, striving to needs of authors and readers, encouraging academic research, and others, the editors accept obligation to apply best will and practice to cope with the following responsibilities:
Editors of Journals must confirm the following:
That all manuscripts be evaluated fairly, based on the intellectual content of the work, regardless of the gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship, or political values of the authors
That information pertaining to the manuscripts will be kept confidential
That any conflict of interest observed with respect to manuscripts must be disclosed
The Editorial Board is responsible for deciding whether to publish submitted manuscripts, based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, the journal’s editorial policies, and legal provisions against plagiarism, libel, and copyright infringement.
Reviewers of Journals must confirm the following:
That all manuscripts be fairly reviewed on the basis of the intellectual content of the work, regardless of the gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship, or political values of the author(s).
That they will be objective and constructive in their reviews, will not make hostile or inflammatory remarks, and will not make defamatory or derogatory personal comments
That they will review manuscripts for which they have the necessary expertise to make a proper assessment and which they can assess in a timely manner
That any conflict of interest identified during the review process must be disclosed to the editor
That all information concerning the manuscript will be kept confidential
That they will not use information obtained during the peer review process for their own benefit or the benefit of any other person or organization, or to disadvantage or discredit others
That any information that may be the reason for refusing to publish a manuscript must be disclosed to the editor.
Authors must confirm the following:
Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s).
Only unpublished manuscripts should be submitted, and this will be emphasized in the cover letter.
It is not ethical to submit the same paper to multiple journals simultaneously.
Any potential conflicts of interest for each author should be clearly stated at the time of submission.
Indicate the sources of data/support used in the preparation of the manuscript. These may include: Foundations, grantors, donors, supporting institutions that provided insight and expertise that significantly supported the research.
If authors discover any errors or inaccuracies after publication their work, they must report them immediately to the journal editors.
All authors are responsible for the content of their paper.
When reproducing figures and/or schematics from previous publications, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate permission from the respective editors.
Authorship of the paper /article
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
Acknowledgement of sources
Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work. Information obtained privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source. Information obtained in the course of confidential services, such as refereeing manuscripts or grant applications, must not be used without the explicit written permission of the author of the work involved in these services.
Publication Policy:
Eurasian Research Organization Journals publishes original research works that are judged and reviewed by editorial team. Types of research work include original research papers, articles, reviews, mini-reviews, short research communications, synopsis and case studies. Journals aims quality publication of research results and reviews while maintaining rigorous review process.
The authors should note that there is no submission fee; however, there is a reasonable Article/Paper Processing Charge (APC/PPC) of each accepted Article/Paper to meet the cost of Website Management Charges, server and website update and maintenance, Manuscript handling, Review process, electronic archiving and Office cum admin expenses. The Journal accepts nominal Publication and Handling Fee only from authors after their manuscripts has been accepted for Publication by the Managing Editor.
Plagiarism Policy
All papers submitted to Journals after completion of the review process and accepted as possible publication in Journal will be asked by the authors to submit a similarity report in PDF format using a plagiarism software program (e.g. Turnitin / iThenticate/ Academic Paradigms, Check For Plagiarism / Grammarly-Plagiarism Checker) that determines plagiarism / similarity rates. Submit the report Plagiarism-Similarity in PDF format for the entire text including tables and figures (excluding bibliography). Manuscripts will be published after you submit the similarity report.
All authors must check their manuscript using one of the above plagiarism checking software and send it to us in PDF format.
General similarity ratio:
Similarity Index – Plagiarism Ratio 5% – 10%: The document contains plagiarism or similarity at low risk. ACCEPTABLE
Similarity Index – Plagiarism Ratio 11% – 20%: The document contains moderate plagiarism or similarity. ACCEPTABLE. Please revise your paper.
Similarity Index – Plagiarism Ratio 20%+: The document contains high-level plagiarism or similarity. REJECT: The Editorial office will REJECT your manuscript.
Article Retraction/Correction Policy:
Editors aim to maintain the integrity of the literature and publish editorially significant corrections when needed. In such cases, the original articles will be removed and replaced with a note explaining the reason of retraction and with corrected version. If plagiarism is detected, the article will be removed from the journal entirely and replaced with a note stating authors’ names and description of plagiarism. Authors and their affiliations will be notified.
Open Access Policy:
Open access journals. This means that the abstracts and full texts of all manuscripts published in this journal are freely available to anyone immediately after publication, without any form of restriction and without requiring a subscription to the journal.
- Readers are free to use the content of the paper/article for indexing and other purposes free of charge and the content used must be duly referenced. Readers, Authors can use published papers/articles as reference / bibliography. Readers are advised to mention Author/Author’s name, (year); Title of paper/article, Journal/Book, ISSN/ISBN, Vol / Edition, Issue, link, page no., as cited work for own use. which can be downloaded free of charge for the purposed of information and knowledge sharing.
- All articles/papers and accompanying materials published by Journal – website, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed by the respective authors of such articles for use and distribution by you subject to citation of the original source in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License. Written by Different Authors is licensed under a Creative Commons
Archival Policy:
Research articles, special issues and other work published in this journal are being archived by us through the use of the facilities available with us. We have been using the services of our drive DATA STORE. We allow archiving and storing of the published papers by individuals, organizations, institutions and others. Published papers also indexed in different online databases with abstracts.
Anyone is free to store and archive the published research work for use, but such uses must be in accordance with the terms and conditions of use i.e. with due reference to the published papers in this Journal and due credit to the authors. Journal details on each pages can be change/modify as per the decision of publisher.
Breach of Code:
Being an association dedicated to the researcher fraternity, we all should ensure that the code of ethics formed is followed in all possible ways. Being a not-for-profit body it is the internal responsibility of a person who should have to follow the codes, there is no enforcement to follow.
Publication Regularity:
Monthly journal (12 Issue per Year) with regular publication date as the last day of the month.
Journals freely follow : Code of Conduct and Ethics of Publications (Not as a member) : The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
Privacy Policy, Warrant and Acknowledgement for Use of Journals title, ISSN and Publication House : Our publication house has not given any permission to use – ‘Publication house name’ and ‘Journals title, ISSN number and our websites links’ to use or to add in any personal journals list website or listings of any third party’s websites, webpage, blog or any other social media page or groups etc., which is unauthorized as per our privacy policy, SSL, license and registration of ISSN and ISBN.
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Only authors who have published their research work in our journal can use ‘Journal Title’, ISSN with ‘Publication House Name’ for their academic use, and can add Published Paper/Article details on other free Indexing portals.
Copyright Policy:
The Publisher will permit the Author to use the Paper/Article elsewhere after publication, including placement it on the author’s personal webpages, in other works or for the purposes of the Author’s teaching and research, provided acknowledgement is given to the Journal as the original source of publication. Although the author is permitted to use all or portions of their article in other works, this does not include granting third party requests for reprinting, republishing or other types of reuse.
Terms of uses of the Contents :
Readers are free to use the content of the published papers/articles for only citation purposes free of charge and the content used must be duly referenced.
Readers, Authors can use published papers/articles as reference / bibliography. Readers are advised to mention Author/Author’s name, (year); Title of paper/article, Journal, ISSN, Vol, Issue, page no., as cited work for own use. which can be downloaded free of charge for the purposed of information and knowledge sharing.
All articles and accompanying materials published by journal website, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed by the respective authors of such articles for use and distribution by you subject to citation of the original source in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License. Under this license no other third party person or group is authorized to use Journal title ISSN and our website link in any manner without prior permission from publication house management authority.
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